Date/Time Utilities- can insert the current date or time or convert a date or time on the clipboard.
Short Date insert - inserts the short form of the current date (11/18/1995),
Long Date insert - checks the clipboard for a valid date in any format and converts it to the long form of the current date. If no valid date is found in the clipboard, then the date of the day is inserted. Now you can copy your birthday and find out which day of the week it was (Saturday November 18, 1995).
Time insert - inserts the current time into the clipboard (11:54 AM)
Bahá'í Date - converts the date in the open clip into the date form of the Bahá'í calendar: if no valid date is found in the clip it inserts todays Bahá'í date (2. `Ilm - Knowledge 154). See the chapter "About the author" for more information about the Bahá'í-faith.